Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 2, 2016

Sông Núi Nước Nam

Nam Quốc Sơn Hà
 Lý Thường Kiệt 

Sông núi nước Nam vua Nam ở
Rành rành định phận tại sách trời.
Cớ sao lũ giặc sang xâm phạm,
Chúng bay sẽ bị đánh tơi bời.

Over Mountains and Rivers of the South,
reigns the Emperor of the South,
As it stands written forever in the Book of Heaven.
How dare those barbarians invade our land?
Your armies, without pity, will be annihilated.

南 國 山 河 南 帝 居
截 然 定 分 在 天 書
如 何 逆 虜 來 侵 犯
汝 等 行 看 取 敗 虛

Sur les monts et les fleuves du Sud,
règne l’Empereur du Sud.
Ainsi en a décidé à jamais le Céleste Livre.
Comment, vous les barbares, osez-vous envahir notre sol?
Vos hordes, sans pitié, seront anéanties!

Южные короли правят землёй южной
Так ясно по Книге Небесной.
Коль вторгаются чужеземные бандиты
Так будут жестоко биты.

แผ่นดินเวียตนาม กษัตริย์เวียตนามทรงอยู่
เหตุไฉน ศัตรูจึงมารุกล้ำ

Das Land Vietnam, wo sein König bleibt.
Das is offensichtlich im Heiligen Buch zugeteilt.
Warum haben die Eindringlinge es überschritten?
Euch wird eine brutale Niederlage beigebracht!

베트남 강산에는 베트남 왕이 산다.
그것은 바로 하늘의 뜻에 따른 운명이다.
그런데 왜 너희 원수들은 이곳을 차지하러 오는가.
너희들은 패배해서 쫓겨나갈 것이다.
River and mountain of south south in king.
Going to mass mass operator in the book of God.
Why that one to cross,
We'll got beat up.

Over Mountains and Rivers of the South,
reigns the Emperor of the South,
As it stands written forever in the Book of Heaven.
How dare those barbarians invade our land?
Your armies, without pity, will be annihilated.

South Mountain River South of emperor hos
Jeet natural fixed in the days at the book
Such as ho inverse captivity to commit assault
Yu line such as look take defeat hur

On the mountains and the rivers of the south,
Reign the emperor of the south.
Thus decided to never the celestial book.
How, you the barbarians, dare you invade our soil?
Your Hordes, without mercy, will be destroyed!

Southern Kings rule the earth south
It's so clear in the book of the heavenly.
If they enter chuzhezemnyye bandits
So will be severely bats.

Earth, Vietnam and the king, Vietnam and in
Border Destined Clear by heaven.
Why so enemies invaded.
Guys, you're gonna get hit.

The land of Vietnam, where his king.
This is evident in the holy book.
Why did it exceeded the intruders?
You will be a brutal defeat!  

Vietnam Vietnam in the mountains, rivers, mountains, and the king. 

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